Thursday, March 8, 2012

Bulk insert Error

i am firing the following from QA
bulk insert pubs.dbo.Orders from '\\<ServerName>\test\Orders.txt'
with (DATAFILETYPE = 'native')
This <ServerName> is not the servername of the SQL Box, but the remote box
where i have created the shared folder test with approrite permissions.
But i keep getting the following error
Could not bulk insert because file '\\<ServerName>\test\Orders.txt' could
not be opened. Operating system error code 5(Access is denied.).
is it supported with BULK INSERT.
Vineet BattaYe, its possible. Be sure to specify UNC path names when the file is on a
remote server. I have tried it and it works for me when it has correct
permissions. GoodLuck
"vineetbatta" wrote:

> i am firing the following from QA
> bulk insert pubs.dbo.Orders from '\\<ServerName>\test\Orders.txt'
> with (DATAFILETYPE = 'native')
> This <ServerName> is not the servername of the SQL Box, but the remote box
> where i have created the shared folder test with approrite permissions.
> But i keep getting the following error
> Could not bulk insert because file '\\<ServerName>\test\Orders.txt' could
> not be opened. Operating system error code 5(Access is denied.).
> is it supported with BULK INSERT.
> --
> Vineet Batta

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