Thursday, March 29, 2012

bulk upload of files to table

i am using this code to upload file to a TempTable in the SQL SERVER :
"for %%f in ( F:\Temp\*.txt) do bcp ...."
the thing is that this code load all the file that in a given folder to the
is it possible to some how (using a switch or anything else) that only 10
files each time will be uploaded?
thnaks in advance
pelegOn Tue, 19 Jun 2007 01:09:00 -0700, pelegk1
<> wrote:

>i am using this code to upload file to a TempTable in the SQL SERVER :
>"for %%f in ( F:\Temp\*.txt) do bcp ...."
>the thing is that this code load all the file that in a given folder to the
>is it possible to some how (using a switch or anything else) that only 10
>files each time will be uploaded?
>thnaks in advance
The FOR loop used in a bat file or at a command prompt has no
provision for working in batches of 10. Even if it somehow was able
to stop at ten, how would it know to start at number 11 the next time?
The simplest alternative I can think of is to write a program that
copies ten files at a time to a sub-folder, invokes the command as
above against the sub-folder, and then deletes the files from the
Roy Harvey
Beacon Falls, CT|||One method to call a separate command file that exits once the limit
reached. For example:
REM first command file
@.SET /a FileCount = 0
@.for %%f in ( * ) do CALL test1.cmd "%%f"
REM second command file
@.SET /a FileCount = %FileCount% + 1
@.IF %FileCount% GTR 10 GOTO Done
bcp ... "%1" in ...
However, I agree with Roy that you are better off with something more robust
than a command file. Perhaps a VBScript will suffice.
Hope this helps.
Dan Guzman
SQL Server MVP
"pelegk1" <> wrote in message
>i am using this code to upload file to a TempTable in the SQL SERVER :
> "for %%f in ( F:\Temp\*.txt) do bcp ...."
> the thing is that this code load all the file that in a given folder to
> the
> table.
> is it possible to some how (using a switch or anything else) that only 10
> files each time will be uploaded?
> thnaks in advance
> peleg

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