Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Bulk load and passing parameters in

I'm doing a Bulk Load of an XML file.
The file consists of a parent/child relationship joined by an interger
column in both tables.
The parent table may already have some values in it.
How can I pass in the starting value and also have it auto increment for
each element ?
Michael Tissington
http://www.sqlview.netHello Michael,
If I understand this correctly, you parent table has a column (int)
referenced by a clild table. The parent table have some rows. You want to
change the column to identiy, and pass a starting value to this column. If
I'm off-base, please let me know.
Based on my research, you could not pass starting value or change column
propperty via mapping file. You may want to use "alter table" to change the
column. You could change this in Enterprise Manager, or you need to write
a sql code to do this by creating a temp table, copy from original table
when SET IDENTITY_INSERT is set to on, and then rename the temp table to
the original one. You may want to use profiler to capture the trace when
changing this in Enterprise Manager
You may want to refer to the following article to for some related
Using XML Bulk Load with Identity Columns
Hope this is helpful. Please post back if you have further questions.
Best Regards,
Peter Yang
MCSE2000/2003, MCSA, MCDBA
Microsoft Online Partner Support
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