Tuesday, March 27, 2012

bulk load from a stream

The docs for sqlxml bulk loader indicate that the execute method
supports a stream for the document to load.
This code works:
textWriter = New XmlTextWriter("out.xml", Nothing)
xslTransform.Transform(xmlRsp, Nothing, textWriter)
With xmlBulkLoader
.ConnectionString = "provider=SQLOLEDB;..."
.ErrorLogFile = "bulkLoaderErrors.txt"
.KeepIdentity = False
.XMLFragment = True
.Execute("schema.xml", "out.xml")
End With
When the transform is sent into a memory stream, the stream fills as
dim memStream as New System.IO.MemoryStream
xslTransform.Transform(xmlRsp, Nothing, memStream)
but I can't figure out how to use memStream in
xmlBulkLoader.Execute("schema.xml", memStream)
I've tried using various properties of the memStream, and tried using a
stream reader, but the execute always returns "Error opening data file."Check out the article here:
http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/d... />
It shows how to do this in .NET
<jmeerdink@.synergy.gs> wrote in message
> The docs for sqlxml bulk loader indicate that the execute method
> supports a stream for the document to load.
> This code works:
> xslTransform.Load("map.xsl")
> textWriter = New XmlTextWriter("out.xml", Nothing)
> xslTransform.Transform(xmlRsp, Nothing, textWriter)
> textWriter.Flush()
> textWriter.Close()
> With xmlBulkLoader
> .ConnectionString = "provider=SQLOLEDB;..."
> .ErrorLogFile = "bulkLoaderErrors.txt"
> .KeepIdentity = False
> .XMLFragment = True
> .Execute("schema.xml", "out.xml")
> End With
> When the transform is sent into a memory stream, the stream fills as
> expected
> dim memStream as New System.IO.MemoryStream
> xslTransform.Transform(xmlRsp, Nothing, memStream)
> but I can't figure out how to use memStream in
> xmlBulkLoader.Execute("schema.xml", memStream)
> I've tried using various properties of the memStream, and tried using a
> stream reader, but the execute always returns "Error opening data file."
>|||Thanks Irwin - wow that's a lot of code. The article mentioned that
ADODB.Stream is directly supported. Would that easier to work with?|||That's in native code, looked like you were doing managed. If you were
doing native code it might be.
"jayMeer" <jmeerdink@.synergy.gs> wrote in message
> Thanks Irwin - wow that's a lot of code. The article mentioned that
> ADODB.Stream is directly supported. Would that easier to work with?

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