Thursday, March 29, 2012

Bulk Load with Parent / Child failing

I'm trying to bulk load an xml with parent child nodes.
I have setup an sql:relationship and I have also setup the two database
columns as Identity columns. However when I try to load the data, SQL is
telling me that the column can not be NULL ...
Any ideas please ?
Michael Tissington
http://www.sqlview.netHello Michael,
Thank you for using Microsoft MSDN newsgroup!
I understand you encountered the issue when importing xml with parent/child
nodes. To get a better idea of the exact issue, will you send the xml files
and script to create the tables in database to me so that I may reproduce
the issue on my side? You could send it to me at
Also, you may want to refer to the following article for some know issue:
330582 PRB: "No Data Was Provided for Column" Error Message When You
Propagate Identity Column with SQLXMLBulkLoad;EN-US;330582
I look forward to your reply.
Best Regards,
Peter Yang
MCSE2000/2003, MCSA, MCDBA
Microsoft Online Partner Support
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