Saturday, February 25, 2012

BULK INSERT - Inserting txt file with columns in different order than define in table

How can I use bulk insert to insert a text file where the columns in the text file is in different order than the columns in the table?

I have a ZIP table with Zip_Code, Zip_City, Zip_State and the text file has the fields in Zip_City, Zip_State, Zip_Code. The instructions were to keep the order as defined in the Entity Definition which would be the first order.

My code for the bulk insert is usually

Code: ( text )

    BULK INSERT DB2914.dbo.[ZIP] FROM 'C:\Documents and Settings\Jthep\My Documents\SQL Server Management Studio\Projects\S2914-HW3\ZIP_data.txt'WITH (FIELDTERMINATOR = ',', ROWTERMINATOR = '\n')

Is there a way to format the columns so I can actually set any column in the text file to any column in the table using Bulk Insert?You can insert into a temp table first and map as you wish...

Good Luck.|||Thanks, I figured I couldnt do it using bulk insert unless I created a temp. However, I'm now allowed to create the table with attributes of the same order as the data in the text file as many of my classmates were asking the professor about it. =D

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